
11 Key Factors While Editing Content Targeting Seniors

Image depicting a seniors hands with the tagline Editing content targeting seniors

11 Key Factors While Editing Content Targeting Seniors Editing content requires careful attention to detail and a systematic approach to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Here are some primary considerations and factors to keep in mind while editing content targeting seniors. Summary – Editing Content Targeting Seniors A) Creating memorable content is not as easy […]

How To Write A Great Explainer Video Script for Seniors

Image shows a happy senior with the headline Writing A Great Explainer Video Script For Seniors

How To Write A Great Explainer Video Script For Seniors Learn how to craft a great explainer video script to sell senior focused products & services The Power of Video for Seniors In today’s digital age, video marketing is an invaluable tool for businesses across various domains, including those catering to seniors, also known as […]

Make Videos For Social Media To Boost Your Business

Make videos for social media & boost your business

How To Make Videos For Social Media To Promote Your Business Alright, folks, let’s dive into the world of social media wizardry! If you’re eager to make waves with your business, you’ve got to ride the video train. That’s right, we’re talking about how to make videos for social media to give your business the […]

How To Create Social Media Videos For Your Business

Create social media videos for your business

How To Create Social Media Videos For Your Business In today’s digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever, one thing has captured the world’s interest like wildfire: social media videos. With their captivating nature and ability to convey information quickly, they have become a game-changer for businesses. And it’s not too difficult to […]

How To Create A Brand Video

How to create a brand video for your business

How To Create A Brand Video For Your Business Did you know ‘76% of clients have bought a product or service after viewing a brand video?’   –Brightcove’s 2018 Video Marketing Survey As you know, you create a brand video to help introduce your brand. They help you connect with your customers at an emotional level. […]

How To Create Testimonial Videos For Your Business?

How to create testimonial videos for your business

How To Create Testimonial Videos For Your Business Testimonial ads have been used by businesses since the dawn of the 20th century. Using the validation of influencers (yup, not a new thing!) & existing customers to create credibility & trust in products advertised. Testimonial videos are powerful social proof that significantly influence potential customers’ purchasing […]

How to create product demonstration videos

How to create product demonstration videos for your business

How To Create Product Demonstration Videos For Your Business Show not tell. You create product demonstration videos to showcase the features, functionality, and benefits of your products in action. They help you provide a visual walk through of how your products work and how they can enhance the lives of your customers. If you haven’t […]

How To Create Explainer Videos For Your Business

How to create explainer videos for your business

How To Create Explainer Videos For Your Business Did you know 34% of companies polled in a recent survey said Explainer / Educational videos provided the highest ROI for their business. This is one of the highest ROI generators found in the survey. Plus creating explainer videos is great for your customer experience too. If […]

5 Product Marketing Videos Your Business Absolutely Needs

5 product marketing videos your business absolutely needs

5 Product Marketing Videos Your Business Absolutely Needs Unleash the Power of Visual Storytelling Are you losing customers to noise? Imagine the business landscape as a crowded marketplace, bustling with competitors vying for the attention of customers. In this noisy world, how can your business break through the clutter and captivate your target audience? The […]

3 Tips To Rock Your Promo Videos

3 Tips to Rock Your Promo Videos

3 Tips To Rock Your Promo Videos Did you know that businesses that use promotional / promo videos grow their revenue 49% faster than those that don’t? It’s no secret that a killer promo video can work wonders for your business, capturing attention, engaging your audience, and boosting your brand’s visibility. In today’s digital age, […]